Friday, February 1, 2019

Boa Noite/Good Evening February 1

I have had a request fo information so here goes. You may have seen some of these places before.
We went out for dinner at Mariscos e Petiscos. We had a wonderful dinner, but it soon turned chilli and we have stayed in.

We have done grocery shopping without trouble. The best shopping is in The Gran Plaza in Tavira. The store which is in "The Resort" is very good, while the larger store is just  at the southern end of "The Resort". The two smaller ones in Cabanas are pictured below. The grocery stores sell beer, wine and liquor. Most if not all the wine is Portuguese. There is a lot of variety.

"The Resort" Store

Cabanas Store

There are not many here right now. You will debate this tomorrow when you see the pictures of our Thursday Roll Up. We have no neighbours. I have met many people through bowling. Some of them have lived here permanently for years and some come for a couple of months. Many come for 6 months.

The heat is not fixed in the bedroom. This afternoon the technician was here and said we needed a part. Maybe in a couple of days we will have heat. Hopefully by then we will not need it. Trish and Kelly are fine. On Wednesday while I was bowling they went shopping in tavira. Trish was very proud of the fact that she got to the large grocery store without the GPS. I forget if I showed Joan the shopping centre so here it is.

Finally in the way of news we are expecting company any day now. Yes we of course are expecting Mary, Margaret and Joan to surprise us, but along with this Katie Campbell and two friends are in Portugal and are going to visit.

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