Saturday, February 2, 2019

Happy April Fools Day 2019

I don't know if the pictures I am seeing from England are real or an April Fools joke. Here it is cool, around 50f, but not cold. I have no golf or Bowling so we think we will go for a drive.

Enough about today what happened yesterday. I went Bowling and had a good day. We did not win but made it close in the end. I have a couple of pictures of inside the Club House before we Bowled and the rink during the games.

Following the games they or should I say we, for I am  member, had our annual meeting. I believe they said they had about 100 members. They really do not have any finances because they pay all their money to Pedras de Rainha and then Pedras provides everything.

Yesterday evening Kelly and I went for an uneventful walk. Below are some pictures of the village streets. I should mention that all the pictures are of roads not walking paths.

Stay warm!

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